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University of Bridge notebook (CUB05)

  • Jean Paul Balian

Jean Paul Balian.

The University of Bridge, in partnership with Le Bridgeur, has decided to create a collection of educational books for anyone wishing to progress quickly from the fourth major series to the first minor series as part of the SEF 2018.

Entrusted to Jean-Paul Balian, champion and certified professor FFB, THE OPENINGS AND REQUESTS IN SANS-ATOUT is volume 5 of a long series.

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The subject may seem elementary as these auctions are among the very first that we learn. Stayman, Texas, Roudi, aren't these usual conventions known on the fingertips? But what about when we advance a little more in the sequence?

The information exchange mechanism contains far more subtleties than it seems at first glance.

The book is made up of six parts:
Chapter 1: After opening 1SA.
Chapter 2: After opening 2SA.
Chapter 3: After opening 2T or 2K.
Chapter 4: After asking 1SA again.
Chapter 5: After a request to 2SA without jump.
Chapter 6: After a request to 2SA with jump.
Thus, the entire spectrum of openings and requests at Sans-Atout is covered, for the sake of methodology and consistency.
To make learning more fun, you have the opportunity to acquire the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 05 games allowing you to play 48 application deals.
30 € for the book alone, 10 € for the 2 arrowed games.
Éditions Le Bridgeur, in partnership with the FFB.
352 pages.

  • Auteur Jean Paul Balian
  • Thème Enchères à 2
  • Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur