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French bridge - volume 2

  • Philippe Cronier
  • FFB

Volume 2: The auctions (improvement)

Volume 2 covers the second level (improvement) and completes volume 1 dedicated to initiation.

This manual offers an approach that is both original and effective in this difficult area of competitive auctions, bringing for once the scope of all the most advanced techniques previously reserved for champions. The part dedicated to the auction for two explains in detail the system of the fifth major, which has proven itself all over the world.

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Designed and written by the teachers of the University of bridge, this collection of books brings together all that a bridgeur wants to know, both at auction and at the card game.

Number of pages: 320

New edition 2013

Author: FFB

  • Auteur FFB, Philippe Cronier
  • Thème Enchères à 2, Enchères à 4
  • Niveau de jeu 3 - Perfectionnement
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Éditions Pole