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Arrow games CUB06: The first cutting game plans
Series of two arrow games A and B. 2 x 24 deals from CUB # 06. These games allow you to play at the table 48 application data corresponding to the sixth title in the collection of notebooks from the University of Bridge: CUB # 06.
To make learning more fun, you have the opportunity to acquire the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 06 games allowing you to play 48 application deals.
25 € for the single book, 10 € for the 2 arrow games.
Series of two arrow games A and B. 2 x 24 deals from CUB # 06. These games allow you to play at the table 48 application data corresponding to the sixth title in the collection of notebooks from the University of Bridge: CUB # 06.
To make learning more fun, you have the opportunity to acquire the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 06 games allowing you to play 48 application deals.
25 € for the single book, 10 € for the 2 arrow games. CAUTION ARROW GAMES NOT AVAILABLE BEFORE THE END OF DECEMBER 2019 .