Bridge University Notebook (CUB04) Communications

  • Norbert Lébely

Norbert Lébely

The University of Bridge, in partnership with Le Bridgeur , has decided to create a collection of educational books for anyone wishing to progress quickly.

COMMUNICATIONS is volume 4 of a long series.

This fourth volume was entrusted to Norbert Lébely, the author among others of the famous bestsellers "Pas à Pas".

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The CUB # 4 is the federal reference in the field of communications. The author gives you all the keys to keep your communications and undermine that of the adversaries.

This work will be the companion of all bridgers from the fourth major series to the first minor series to progress in the card game.

To make learning more fun, you can acquire the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 04 games allowing you to play 48 application deals.

€ 28 for the book alone, € 10 for the 2 arrowed games. Edition: Le Bridgeur in partnership with the FFB.

  • Auteur Norbert Lébely
  • Thème Jeu de la carte
  • Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur