Pack CUB01 book + cards

  • Philippe Cronier

Philippe Cronier

The University of Bridge, in partnership with Le Bridgeur , has decided to create a collection of educational books for anyone wishing to progress quickly.

SIGNALING is volume 1 of a long series.

This first volume was entrusted to Philippe Cronier, professor and well-known champion.

arrow cards, 2 CUB # 1 games for playing 48 application deals.

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The University of Bridge, in partnership with Le Bridgeur, has decided to create a collection of educational books for anyone wishing to progress quickly. SIGNALING is volume 1 of a long series. This first volume was entrusted to Philippe Cronier, professor and well-known champion. It deals with all aspects related to standard signaling in France: even-odd, call-refusal or preferential. A reference book! To make learning more fun, the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 1 games for playing 48 application deals.

  • Auteur Philippe Cronier
  • Thème Jeu de la défense
  • Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur